Monday, June 9, 2008

Your Beliefs are Your Own...

Indeed the title is true. Your are right on your own terms. They are wrong on your terms and vice versa. No one is right. No one is wrong. We don't even know which religion is the right one. All we have is faith and hope. No matter what happened, no matter what everyone says, no matter what your faith says, your are your own person. God could easily change all that, but yet he chooses to let you choose your decision. You are your own person no one can change that and God doesn't want too. So the way you think, the way you chose to talk, eat, sleep, dress, pray, dance, whatever.... is your own way of living. You aren't right; you aren't wrong. Your decisions just reflect the way you will live. They are the paths of life which we all must take, they can lead you too happiness and/or sadness. Lately, there has been conflict among my friends among ways of living life. Again it is their choice to do things they do. Don't you worry about what everyone says. If your decision was in favor of good, then maybe later in life, those who made the choice in favor of bad might just wish they were in your side. Now Good and Bad are just words, who knows where language came from; how it was developed. Good sounds pleasent to the ears, bad sound unpleasent. If you teach your child the other way around, Bad might sound pleasent to the child and Good might sound unpleasent. Okay well my time is up. Now if you chose to take this blog into heart it is your choice, and it's a choice I hope you will not regret. Now live your life.

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