Wednesday, September 7, 2011

....Vinushka....Pt. II Red Snow

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. -Psalm 23:4

God help me, I am dying... I am so afriad....

"Remember, my child, Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall fear no evil, for I am with you. I am your rod and staff, they will comfort and protect you..."

My body anguished. I can't see a thing. The smoke is choking. All I could think about was her... I wish she could see me like this. Would she take pity on me now?

Light penetrated to my eyes. Everything is starting to clear up, now I just have to get out of the smoke. I slowly crept out of the rubble, and a chilling breeze wrapped around my body and wounds. Out of no where, it started to snow. I laid on the cold road staring at the falling snow from the heavens. I closed my eyes.

I found myself reliving last Christmas Eve. I tried to tell her that I would be okay and tried to make her see reason. I was leaving for the Army in a couple of weeks. My occupation was going to be the 75th Rangers Infantry, if I qualified. Alas I remembered her crying... Before I knew it she had me out of her house wailing, " I don't ever wanna see you again! He was right! You never loved me!" Slowly I opened my eyes. I found myself covered with snow. My body ached as I rose to my feet. I looked to the trees past the burning debris. I saw the girl's body still hanging there suspended by her piercings. Her face is now all mangled and stretched, but her dead eyes were fixed at where I laid. I scanned at the fiery wreckage, and saw the charred body of the monster that almost killed me. Then I saw my crosses laying close the inferno. I quickly went to retrieve my crosses, so I wouldn't get burned. As I picked up my crosses, I glanced at the charred carcass one more time, but this time I saw no head. The head was gone! I looked around quickly while holding my crosses and knife. I suddenly heard a something scramble towards me. I turned around and saw the disembodied head of the monster crawling towards me with arachnid-like legs attached to the spinal cord. It's mouth gnashed it's teeth. It's eyes wild with anger spouting bloody tears, and mouth poured out blood. My instincts took over, as the creature drew close, I punted it's vile being back into the wreckage. A loud shrill of anger and pain came from the flames. The head writhed in the blazing wreckage. Suddenly it sprung out of the flames sailing towards me. I swung my blade in straight vertical line while ducking. Next thing I heard were two plops on the ground. I looked at was was behind me. Two halves of the head; severed by my blade. I plunged the blade into the snow, and pulled blade from the snow slowly. The blade was cleansed of the creature's blood leaving a spot of red snow.

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