Sunday, January 9, 2011

Double Lives

Secrets known, secrets unknown, ask and you may get truth or a half penny. The judgment of the world is often harsh. Pity
Every night I say, "See you soon," Because I want to see you in my dreams.
"Kisses and Embraces," because you are the angel I've been waiting for...
"<3" Because you have my heart.
"My dear, my love, my sweet, my angel," you are all.
As simple as these texts are, they hold so true about how I feel about you.
I don't want to lose you, but time is not our friend. If only we can sleep and dream of our love.
If only our second life was our first life.
We can fly with our wings spread wide and soar high, into the morning glory.
We would dance all night in the moonlight, in that wonderful palace of gold and splendor.
My 19th year plus 1 day, we will become one.
See you soon.
Kisses and Embraces.
I love you. Always.

1 comment:

Isianya said...

Your writing is so honest. I love it.