Thursday, December 11, 2008


The cause of all evil.....
Devils, demons, sin, regret, suffering, madness, Temptation, Vinushka.....
Lately I been in and out of it i guess. Lately I've been tagging every single paper, desk, and wall saying Vinushka...
This words haunts me. Maybe that's what I am.
I walk down the streets at icy, cold night hoping a stranger will stop by. Maybe he or she will offer me a ride? Disappointment after disappointment no one stops for me. My mind only thinks of her. Maybe she will see me and take pity on me? After all we've been through... I thought she would at least talk to me whenever she sees me....

Finally, a pickup truck stops.... A mans head pops out the window.
"Where are you heading to little man?"
I see this man had already a passenger in the back seats, but not the passenger front....
The man was about in his early 30s late 20s even. He seemed kind enough.
"Well, my boy, we are heading to a diner just 6 miles down the road. Would you like to come with us? My treat!"
Food! It's been a few days since I have had any kind of civilized food. I've been taking little bites out of the MRE Vegi Crackers for the past few days and now finally this kind man has offered to give me food.

"Sure. I am in depted to you, sir." I said with a peaceful smile.
"Hop up on the passenger side, son" he said with a jolly laugh.

I opened the door and looked at the passenger in the back. A young blonde with red streaks in her hair. She also has piercings in her ears, one on her tongue, and left side of her nose. Her body was like that of a goddess... She couldn't have been more than 17 or 18. Something was evidently wrong though.... She only wore lingerie..... I looked away and climbed onto the passenger seat as fast as I could.....

"Vinushka..." I whispered to myself.
"Nice crosses you have there, son," he stared at my three crosses, "Are you catholic or something?"
"No sir, just a reminder of Faith." I said quickly tucking the crucifixes under my coat.
"Well, lets see how strong you keep your faith with my daughter in the backseat...."
A pair of hands from the back creeps over and start to rub my arms. I started getting tense....

What is this? This isn't right.... Her arms gently started rubbing my chest. And then moved to my neck and cheak. She suddenly started to whisper in my ear, "Hey, hey, Shhhh..... It's okay, just enjoy the ride, I'll do everything.... You'll be in Heaven in no time...."

I can her breath run down my neck. My heart started to beat faster. One of her hands started to move down and rub my chest once more.

"Stop...." I urged, but as suddenly as the words were said my neck clentched tight. I saw the wire in both of her hands.... "Piano wire!" my mind shouted.

"You see, youngman, we haven't eaten any decent meat in several weeks now.... Last fool we had was a punk boy about your age. Hahaha and boy, did he taste like shit...." he said smirking and laughing.

"That's right, Daddy," she said with a sensual voice, "And you know what tastes the best?"

"A wretched Christian boy!" they both said in unison. My vision started turning red. The wire was being pulled tighter..... Soon I can feel the warmness oozing down my body.....

I fought and struggled. I shook my body back and forth, to and fro, my crosses swung out of my coat, and like a knife cutting warm butter, cutting the man 's right eye. He lost total control on the pick up. Quickly I remember that I had a knife at my waist tucked under my coat. I quickly unsheathed it and started to cut away at the wire. The man quickly swirved his truck to the left, I lost control of my blade and it slashed my face. The man crashed into a tree head on, luckly I had a seat belt, but the girl she wasn't so lucky.

Her piercing suspended her up in a mess of branches and she was hanging freely. Her shook violently and ceased to move. I quickly got out of the car, I could smell smoke... and gasoline! I hoped out of the pick up. I was suddenly tackled. The man was on top of me he dug at the wound across my throat. I struggled against him, but everything became so slow... I looked around for anything to help me. I took my knife and started to stab and slash at his face, arms, and chest. Nothing fazed him. I could see him light up a cigarette as he continued to choke the life out of me. Blood started to gush out from my throat, and coughed up blood in his face. My blood seemed to burn his face. And I saw my crosses two feet above my reach.

With all the willpower and strengh I crawled for the crosses. The pain was so unbearable. I collapsed on the ground only an inch away. I mustered myself make the one inch. As my hands touched the cross, the man leaped on my back. His enormous strengh spun me around.
"Die! Fucking! HUMAN!!!" he roared.
I had my crosses, and quickly slashed his face. The slash from the chin to the forhead, and across his eyes, at the same time his cigarette flew into the gasoline igniting it in seconds. The man blinded
by the slashes ran into the ignited truck. I ran 3o yards away from the truck before it exploded, and everything turned black.


Aaron said...

freaking trip.

Anonymous said...

no words for this. ..well, maybe "dang."

Unknown said...

Chi this is most awesome. I was totally drawn into this story!

You Rock!


Unknown said...

Loved it. Wanna see this and not just read it ;)