With music flowing into his ears and eyes closed, the young man prepares to dwell into the most dangerous place of all, the Mind. Darkness is all that can be seen, but pain and confusion is all that can be felt. Words of pain, regret, loss fill his ears, "No one wants to know the present! No one wants to hear the present!" they scream. Even though the words are in Japanese, he can understand them.
A sigh comes out of his mouth. The trance was lost. He again must refocus his mind....
As Moonlight Sonata plays from his playlist, the boy can see a vision. He see's an old man sitting alone in front of a fireplace. But in the future and alone. The dead eyes were full of regret in pain. The boy then looks at the man's neck, he then knew it was himself.
A new tune comes into play. A light hearted one. Happiness..... Soothing. No doubt this was Dearly Beloved by the Kingdom Hearts.... Alas the solo is short lived.....
A song by a J-Rock band call Dir en Grey. The song was called Kasumi. Though it was beautiful, he did not understand the lyrics. No doubt the song was about love. Maybe that's what the boy felt what was missing. The colors of Love. The song is now over....
Maybe Love was what all he needed, to feel the sweet lips of Love. Then again all he needed was companionship, someone where he can confide all his secrets too. For the sake of his sanity. He is too young for love after all.
Won't someone listen to my story? Won't someone hold me lovingly and warmly? Why these thoughts? Why ask for help? God help me. I ask you to comfort me and love me. Please pour out your blessings of love to me. Send your army of angels to guide me. Protect me from melicious devils. Keep Satans army away from my mind.
These thoughts rattled thoughout his mind. He eyes were heavy, but the thought of Love still hovered through his head.
If there is somebody who wishes for my companionship, please let it be known to me! Why hide it from me? Please is you have those feelings tell me.
The young man's heart ached for companionship and intimacy. Eternal slumber would seem so easy. To sleep and never wake up. To stay in a dream, a neverending dream or nightmare.... Nonetheless it was a never ending adventure..... A Never Ending Story.....